We Still on for Six or Did You Start Killing People Again

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Houseplants burnish upward whatsoever space past adding a chip of green. They also improve air quality by reducing carbon dioxide levels, increasing moisture, reducing airborne dust and pollutants and lowering temperatures.

If you lack a green thumb, rest bodacious there are houseplants so hardy that even you will not exist able to kill them. Here we've compiled a list of 29 tough houseplants that are (nearly) incommunicable to kill.

African Violets

Some consider African violets to be the most popular flowering establish in the world. That's probably because they blossom throughout the year, continuously producing flowers. They are named for the continent from which they originated and because their blooms resemble those of true violets.

Photo Courtesy: Christina Schmidhofer/The Prototype Bank/Getty Images Plus

These tropical plants are easy to manage if you lot know a few simple facts well-nigh them. African violets do all-time in either due west- or due south-facing windows with temperatures from 65 to 75 degrees. H2o them but if the soil feels dry but always permit the pot drain of excess water. Utilise a liquid fertilizer specially designed to go on them flowering continuously.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a popular delicious whose leaves produce a gel that can be used to treat burns or taken internally to promote digestion. Aloe tin be grown outdoors in warm climates, just it can too make a cracking houseplant.

Photo Courtesy: Carlina Teteris/Moment Drove/Getty Images

Aloe vera plants need natural light to grow properly, so one of the only things y'all demand to practise is place them in a window sill. About twice a twelvemonth, rotate the institute to ensure it receives sunlight evenly.

Bonus: you lot merely need to water aloe vera plants every 2 to 4 weeks!

Christmas Cactus

The Christmas cactus is different other cacti in that it is not from an arid region. This cactus is native to Brazilian rainforests, where it grows in tree branches.

Photo Courtesy: Amazon

Christmas cacti take beautiful, 3-inch long flowers colored are carmine, white, yellow, pink or imperial. Their bloom lasts several weeks (normally in Dec), and some even do so more once a twelvemonth!

Due to its humid origins, the Christmas cactus needs more water than well-nigh cacti. While it is blooming, information technology needs to be kept moist, so be certain to mist often when those colors come out. Place information technology in an e facing window, so it will receive some direct sunlight and enjoy your house-cactus.

Cast Iron Plant

The cast iron plant also goes by several other names, including atomic number 26 plant and ballroom establish. Cast iron plants are incredibly hardy and tough to kill. That is keen news for the green-thumb challenged.

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A member of the lily family, the bandage atomic number 26 found is native to China and has pocket-size purple blooms hidden past its foliage. It does well indoors with low calorie-free and in climates with hot, dry summers. However, it can handle moderately cold winters.

There is ane more bonus: Insects are not as attracted to this evergreen every bit they are to other plants.

Zebra Haworthia

Zebra haworthia is a succulent, although it is also known every bit zebra cactus. I look at its striped foliage and it is clear why "zebra" is role of its name.

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Originally from S Africa, this found is nontoxic to dogs and cats, making it an ideal houseplant for pet lovers.

In its natural habitat, zebra haworthia does not receive much rainfall. That ways it requires very trivial watering. In the summer, the zebra haworthia only needs to be watered once every three weeks, making information technology an ideal constitute for drought-prone areas.

Jade Plant

Jade plants resemble fiddling trees, making them a pretty improver that makes whatsoever home experience closer to nature. Information technology originated in Southward Africa but has been a houseplant in European and American homes for over a century.

Photo Courtesy: Andrey Nikitin/iStock by Getty Images

Jade plants are i of the many types of succulent, meaning they are resilient and require low maintenance.

All the same, they do need more water than most succulents, as they're not as drought-tolerant. And so, just keep the soil moist in the bound and summer when they grow and drier in the fall and winter when they're dormant.

Snake Plant

The snake plant has virtually seventy different species, and all of them originate in tropical and subtropical areas of Europe, Africa and Asia. The evergreen plants grow anywhere from 8 inches to 12 feet. They accept become increasingly popular as word spread that information technology's a institute you lot can neglect.

Photograph Courtesy: Fabian Stroobants/Pexels

Caring for a snake plant is piece of cake. They are incredibly tolerant and tin can handle beingness neglected for weeks. Low-lighting and drought conditions are no problem, and they tend to non have problems with insects.

Show this rugged plant some indirect sunlight and don't overwater. In other words, this is the perfect plant for those who are chronically busy.

Peace Lily

The peace lily non simply produces a beautiful flower like to the calla lily, merely information technology's also hassle-free. Since they tin can grow to three feet, they work well every bit floor plants.

Photo Courtesy: Alberto Orozco / EyeEm/iStock by Getty Images

The Venezuelan rainforests, where the peace lily originated, provide the fractional shade that it thrives in. However, it's and so adaptable that it can tolerate fluorescent lights and adapt to windowless rooms.

The peace lily'southward versatility makes caring for it easy-peasy. But place the found in an eastward-facing window and when it needs watering, it will slightly droop. Watering in one case a week and keeping the soil moist is all there is to it.

If you have a pet, this may not exist the one for you as information technology has oxalates, which irritate the stomach and mouth of cats and dogs.

Weeping Fig

The weeping fig is of the Ficus genus. Information technology is a pocket-size tree, which makes it a popular choice for bringing a chip of the cracking outdoors within with you lot. Originally found in Southeast Asia, the weeping fig is a tropical tree that grows 3 to half-dozen anxiety tall.

Photo Courtesy: tree of soul/Flickr

They can exist houseplants in colder climates then long as room temperatures are regulated.

Although typically grown in semi-shade in Asia, equally a houseplant, a room with bright sunlight is ideal. Merely don't motility the plant oft, as it prefers to stay in the same place.

Boston Fern

The Boston fern is i of the best known ferns around and a popular houseplant. There is a good reason for its popularity: This plant is incredibly hardy. It is very tolerant of both light and dry conditions and tin be displayed in hanging baskets, on a windowsill or pedestal.

Photo Courtesy: Automidori/Moment Collection/Getty Images

Boston ferns thrive in indirect sunlight. All this fern needs to continue going is some damp soil, which can be done using a mister frequently in addition to watering. Just brand sure the soil drains. Boston ferns practise not do well in rooms with a lot of moving air.

Rubber Plant

The safety institute is a member of the Ficus family. While ficus trees can abound up to 50 anxiety, the condom plant tin can be a medium-sized houseplant. The rubber constitute does best with indirect light, as it is native to the Amazon and Orinoco river basins.

Photo Courtesy: Oscar Wong/Moment Collection/Getty Images

If it is placed almost a window, sheer curtains tin can help keep it good for you. Go along the safety plant in well-drained soil and make certain the soil is moist in the summertime, which is its growing season. During the winter the rubber plant only needs to be watered once or twice a month.


The philodendron is popular in offices due to the low amount of maintenance information technology needs. Its proper name is a Greek give-and-take that means love (philo) and tree (dendron). Domestic to Primal and South America, it is an evergreen plant that tin grow to a height of ix feet indoors.

Photo Courtesy: Maja Dumat/Flickr

Philodendrons prefer partially shaded areas with indirect sunlight, similar to the conditions in a rainforest.

In that location are ii types of philodendrons: climbing and non climbing. The climbing species can exist grown along a trellis or in a hanging handbasket, while the not climbing species are planted in pots.

Guiana Chestnut

The Guiana chestnut tree is like shooting fish in a barrel to grow indoors. It is popular with people who practice feng shui considering they believe it creates positive energy. With the right amount of dominicus and h2o, this tree will thrive.

Photo Courtesy: Amazon

The Guiana chestnut does well with indirect sunlight and needs to be turned every time it is watered, then information technology grows evenly. It merely needs to be watered once or twice a calendar week, depending on the humidity level. Merely keep watering until it starts draining from the bottom of the pot, and it's good to get!

Chinese Money Plant

The Chinese coin plant is native to the Yunnan province of Cathay. The institute became popular in Scandinavia later a Norwegian missionary brought cuttings of one habitation in the 1940s.

Photo Courtesy: Amazon

This resilient constitute tin can handle relatively common cold temperatures and doesn't need to be watered ofttimes, making it easy to intendance for. Identify the Chinese money plant in indirect sunlight for larger leaves, and permit the soil dry completely before watering again.


The bromeliad originated in the Andes mountains and jungles of Uruguay, only can now be constitute throughout Central and Due south America. Their flowers are bright and colorful – typically pinkish, red, orange and yellowish – and the flower is long lasting.

Photo Courtesy: Amazon

Bromeliad demand medium to bright light to grow well, equally they see limited sun exposure in the wild from overhead shade provided past other plants. That means the merely affair to avoid is extended periods of hot, direct sunlight.

This houseplant must exist watered thoroughly every month during warm weather until water drains from the bottom of the pot. In colder months, they just need to be watered every ii months.

Crown of Thorns

The crown of thorns got its proper noun after its storied utilize in Jesus'south crown. Originally from Madagascar, information technology is a delicious shrub with dark greenish leaves that develops beautiful, small flowers.While this plants tin abound upwards of six feet outdoors, this perfect windowsill emphasis stands under 1 foot in its pot..

Photo Courtesy: Amazon

The crown of thorns is highly adaptable, making it a breeze to maintain. Simply put this resilient plant in a window to ensure it receives plenty of sunlight, and brand certain it is watered when the soil is stale out. Just be careful when those thorns pop out!


The kalanchoe is a flowering succulent from China. Its flowers commonly come in shades of white, yellow, pinkish, magenta, orange and red. For a plant that has such vibrant and colorful flowers, surprisingly little care is needed, making it a highly favored houseplant.

Photograph Courtesy: kaboompics/Pixabay

Bright, indirect sunlight is best for a kalanchoe then, as long as it is not placed on a hot windowsill, which puts information technology at risk of burn. This pretty popular of color volition keep brightening up any room. Being a succulent, it does not need much water; every two weeks is sufficient, making it not bad for hot, dry climates.

Mother-in-law's Tongue

The Sansevieria trifasciata, or mother-in-law's tongue, originates from West Africa. It also goes by other names such equally snake establish, viper's bowstring hemp and Saint George'due south sword. This many and memorably named evergreen establish is a succulent, so information technology needs very piffling h2o.

Photo Courtesy: Amazon

The female parent-in-law's tongue can be kept either indoors or outdoors and simply really needs to exist brought inside in common cold climates. It is an easily manageable choice of greenery that is as happy with low lighting or sunlight. Information technology occasionally has small, white flowers that bloom when the plant is a couple of years old.

ZZ Plant

The full proper noun of the ZZ plant is Zamioculcas zamiifolia, which is a mouthful. Native to South Africa, Kenya and Tanzania, it did non reach beyond its African borders until the 1990s, when Dutch nurseries in South Africa started cultivating and distributing it globally.

Photo Courtesy: Amazon

The ZZ is easy to grow and intendance for, tolerant of both dim or vivid lighting, and can hands withstand an inconsistent watering schedule every bit long as it isn't overwatered! Indoors, it can grow to 3 feet and infrequent flower blooms are found at its base.

Beware, pet owners. ZZ is toxic to cats and dogs, so this may not be the best fit if there isn't a rubber place to keep information technology…

Areca Palm

The areca palm is ethnic to both Republic of madagascar and S India. It is likewise known as a butterfly palm, golden pikestaff palm or yellow palm. This evergreen houseplant tin can accomplish up to 6 or7 feet. While most palms do non tolerate trimming, this ane does.

Photo Courtesy: Amazon

Arecas progress well with brilliant light, so some direct sunlight is healthy for them. All this found needs is to not be loved in backlog. In other words, don't overdo information technology with constant direct sunlight, and don't go over watering information technology before the soil dries.

It'southward a refreshing accent of nature that thrives indoors and out without all of the fuss.

Prayer Plant

The prayer plant is also named Maranta leuconeura, after 16th century Italian physicist and botanist Bartolomeo Maranta. The prayer found's leaves are visually hitting with their reddish veins. During the solar day, the leaves are flat just, at night, they fold up… like easily in prayer.

Photo Courtesy: Zen Rial/Moment Drove/Getty Images

This houseplant needs indirect sunlight since direct sunlight will crusade its fade. It tolerates lower lit areas during warmer atmospheric condition only, in the winter, when information technology is dormant, it requires more than light. In order to be healthy, it does need to be watered frequently.

Umbrella Tree

The umbrella tree can abound between four and 8 anxiety tall when domesticated but in the wild, it can get equally alpine as 49 anxiety! Given its size, it is a great establish for an open up office space.

Photo Courtesy: Amazon

The Umbrella Tree needs bright just indirect sunlight. Lower lighting is not harmful merely will affect its growth. Watering is necessary merely when the topsoil is dry. Pet owners should be enlightened that information technology is mildly toxic to cats and dogs, and so make sure that it is safely placed somewhere where there are no pets immune.

Ponytail Palm

The ponytail palm may accept the discussion "palm" in its name but it is not a true "palm." It is a desert plant native to eastern Mexico closely related to the Agave and Yucca plants. It tin can grow upward to iii feet alpine indoors simply may reach 6 anxiety outdoors.

Photo Courtesy: nolina/Flickr

Taking intendance of the ponytail palm is easy; the most important thing to think is to go along the soil on the dry side. The palm needs to be regularly watered from spring to fall, with the topsoil completely drying in between. In the winter, only occasional watering is necessary.

Air Establish/Tillandsia

The air plant, also known as Tillandsia, is named for the mode it obtains nutrients from the surrounding air. In the same family as the pineapple, this prickly institute originated in the W Indies, United mexican states and parts of Central and South America.

Photo Courtesy: Amazon

Since it does non abound in soil, you tin can put air plants into shells, wire baskets or glass baubles. They tin can even be placed around the base or between the leaves of some other plant. Coming from warm, tropical climates, temperatures of 60 degrees or higher are preferable. They too need plenty of vivid, indirect sunlight and should be misted with h2o often.

Fiddle Leaf Fig

The fiddle leaf fig is native to West Africa, where it can grow 40 to 60 feet alpine. The towering giant produces small, green fruit. They belong to the Moraceae family, which includes fig and mulberry copse.

Photo Courtesy: Bogdan Kurylo/Getty Images

Although they prefer humid environments, fiddle leaf figs are tough plants that can withstand drier conditions. They adopt bright, filtered light, but can handle some direct sunlight. They demand to be kept moist, so in addition to regular watering, they should be misted.

Parlor Palm

Indigenous to rainforests in Southern Mexico and Guatemala, the parlor palm was kickoff institute in Fundamental America and brought to the US, where it became a popular houseplant.

Photograph Courtesy: Amazon

Being so hardy and adaptable, information technology is the quintessential office plant. The fronds are oft found in decorations, considering they can survive for upwardly to 40 days later they are cut.

The parlor palm needs bright, filtered sunlight. Avoid overwatering by waiting until the topsoil is dry or the leaves begin to turn xanthous. Ideal room temperatures for this palm are betwixt 65 and 80 degrees. Although information technology is impressively tolerant to temperatures as low every bit 50 degrees!

Purple Shamrock

The purple shamrock comes from Brazil and gets its name from its leaves, which resemble clovers. They can live a long fourth dimension, frequently leading 1 generation of owner to laissez passer the establish to the next. The nighttime purple, nearly-black leaves are beautiful.

Photograph Courtesy: monika1607/Pixabay

Bright, indirect sunlight creates the perfect environment for a healthy royal shamrock. When watering, make sure the soil is soaked and do not water once more until information technology is dry. Since it is a found that is toxic to cats and dogs, pet owners will desire to be sure they are kept in a safe place out of reach from any curious pets..

Spider Plant

A spider establish produces leafage that is long and thin and curls downward like a spider's legs. These plants have a hand in their own procreation by generating tiny spider plants known every bit "pups." When pups are about 2 inches in diameter, y'all can remove them and place them in pots with soil.

Photo Courtesy: Skynesher/East+/Getty Images

Spider plants should be kept in moderate to brilliant, indirect sunlight, not directly because their leaves tin can burn, producing brown spots and tips. They tin exist grown indoors or outdoors and need to be watered moderately.

Devil's Ivy

Devil'due south ivy is found growing naturally in Southeast Asia, Republic of indonesia and the Solomon Islands. In tropical rainforests, information technology volition climb up trees, and then it can abound in your home every bit either a climbing or hanging establish.

Photograph Courtesy: sweetlouise/Pixabay

Devil's ivy stands out, considering its leaves are heart-shaped and have either silver, pale green, yellow or white spots. It needs indirect sunlight and the soil should be kept moderately clammy. If well cared for, this one can remain with you for a long time.

This one needs a tad more care and is poisonous to cats and dogs, and then if you are busy, a pet owner or both, this may not exist the houseplant for you.


Source: https://www.consumersearch.com/home-garden/houseplants-impossible-to-kill?utm_content=params%3Ao%3D740007%26ad%3DdirN%26qo%3DserpIndex

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