Module 2 Interpret Technical Drawings and Plans

The only diploma of its kind, with a comprehensive curriculum covering urban planning, sustainability, nugget direction and valuation

Be gear up for the sustainable hereafter with exposure to green technologies in property management and sustainable edifice practices

Acquire smart building m​anagement skills for the digital workplace driven past data and engineering science

Gain industry recognition and additional professional
certifications upon graduation​


Form Overview​

Go on your finger on the pulse of global holding and sustainability trends, and larn most asset direction, land planning, and redevelopment with the Diploma in Real Manor Business (REB).

The course volition enable you lot to play a role in the valuation and development of property assets, and leveraging research and analytics to develop strategies for the marketing and management of commercial, industrial, besides as residential properties. You lot will as well learn about smart and sustainable edifice practices, urban planning and investment to help property developers and investors maximise their profits.

In your first year, y'all volition acquire the fundamentals of real estate business and building direction, including using information analytics for market place research. You volition also gain a better understanding of the industry through the career and professional person preparation module.

In your second year, you will be exposed to management, marketing, urban planning and sustainability, building services and maintenance, as well as project direction, contract assistants and legal aspects of real manor. Y'all will as well learn how to conduct property valuation and manage client relationships.

In your last year, you will be taught financial management such every bit real estate investment & finance, aslope other aspects of building management such equally building diagnostics, asset enhancement and fire safety management. Yous volition also undertake an industry-based project or internship (locally or overseas, such as in Silicon Valley).

Plus, you may get to go on overseas study tours to Dubai, Shanghai, Malaysia and Melbourne. There will also be local field trips that allow you proceeds industry insights from property gurus.​ ​

Curious virtually why I chose REB?​ Lookout this!

What You lot'll Larn

Year 1

  • Career & Professional Preparation for Real Estate Business

    (2 Credit Units)

    This first-year module helps to innovate students to their iii-year diploma grade curriculum; the existent estate industries and how they can prepare themselves to meet the industries requirements and needs. Through the module, students volition be required to explore, grow and reflect on how they tin serve in these industries. This module is also designed holistically for the contribution towards the overall well-existence of the order every bit we prepare our students to succeed in their careers by helping the students to transcend and link their academic studies to skills and character evolution. The module will take a student-centric approach to introduce multiple pathways to develop students of different abilities to their fullest potential during and later on obtaining their diploma. The pathways include industry partnerships and students' participation through SkillsFuture initiatives. Through the module, students should be able to embark on their course with the end in mind after guided reflection of their personal characteristics, and producing an overall game program for their future education and career goals. The module also aims to deepen students' delivery to the real estate sectors.

  • Information Analytics for Market Research

    (4 Credit Units)

    This module aims to equip students with disquisitional thinking, trouble-solving, analytical and decisionmaking skills. Students will be introduced to central noesis and tools in data analytics in the context of market inquiry. Students will learn about data drove, analysis and synthesis of data, uncovering data patterns and cartoon hypothesis or decision. With the statistical knowledge, students volition besides learn how to effectively visualize, analyze data and information and make meaningful presentation and enquiry report to the target stakeholders.

  • Principles of Marketing

    (3 Credit Units)

    This module introduces the 4Ps of marketing, awarding of marketing concepts to Existent Estate and market segmentation to dissimilar segments including public & private housing. Students larn the fundamentals of marketing concepts, marketing mix - its implications and strategies. This module helps students to understand consumer buying through the use of example studies that relate to the existent estate environment. Students besides learn the principles of marketing, ethics and respect during transactions and then every bit to fully attract and appoint consumers, and compel them to buy through a conscientious planning and execution of the marketing mix and constructive communication.

  • Principles of Police force

    (v Credit Units)

    The topics in Principles of Law involve a study of the legal obligations relating to the planning, blueprint, structure, direction, utilize and operation of the built environs within a business organization, building and real estate management environment. The Legal Organization introduces the nature and administration of law. Constabulary of Contract and involves a study of cocky-imposed obligations by individuals. Law of Torts involves a study of land-imposed obligations on individuals for civil wrongs.

    The module will provide students with knowledge of the concepts and principles of the law as well as the legal method of critical analysis, logical reasoning, problems-solving and management skills to confront the many challenges of the building and real estate management profession in both the public and private sectors of the industry.

  • Environmental Services &Workplace Safe

    (4 Credit Units)

    To assistance sustain a make clean and livable environs, the module covers the general aspects of environmental services, including the study of vector and pest control, cleaning services, security services and landscape services. Students also larn to employ these concepts and principles to health management, and to develop appropriate capabilities on workplace safety and health. Students will have an overview of turn down disposal, characteristics of solid waste product and the respective environmental and health impacts. Electric current methods of reject drove such every bit pneumatic waste material conveyance system will too exist introduced.

    Students volition be able to accomplish bizSAFE Level 2 certification upon successful completion of the module.

  • English Language Express*

    English language Language Express aims to give you a better grounding in the English Language and to strengthen the written and oral communications skills that you lot will need in your academic and professional person careers. Yous will be engaged in writing, reading, listening and speaking activities that will develop your power to speak and write grammatically, coherently and clearly. You volition too hone your reading and listening comprehension skills.

  • Innovation Fabricated Possible^

    (3 Credit Units)

* This module is only offered to students who are weaker in the English Language.

^ Interdisciplinary Studies (IS) modules account for thirteen credit units of the diploma curriculum. They include modules in communication, innovation and earth problems, too as an interdisciplinary project. By bringing students from diverse diplomas together, the interdisciplinary project fosters collaboration to explore and advise solutions for real-world bug. IS aims to develop students to exist active and cocky-directed learners, ready for the futurity workplace.

For more than details on Interdisciplinary Studies (IS) electives
Click Hither >

  • Building Data Modelling

    (iii Credit Units)

    In tandem with the construction Industry's button towards the use of Building Information Modelling for construction and management of completed buildings, this module aims to equip students with easily-on skills in BIM modelling. They will learn to apply BIM in design and drafting, tagging and calculation of rentable spaces, model the changes for plumbing fixtures-out works, generate and interpretation of extracted 2D drawings for building and Yard&E works and export of information for cost estimation amongst others. This module complements the learning of relevant marketing, property and facilities management modules.

  • Building Elements & Sustainability

    (v Credit Units)

    In this module, students will study the diverse edifice elements of substructure, superstructure, floors, walls, roofs, building finishes and its components. It will also provide students with an understanding of sustainable constructions, particularly green materials, technologies and systems that volition be adopted to achieve a sustainable green edifice environs. This provides the background knowledge for the students to progress on, to capeesh the green technologies that will exist applied to buildings for the enhancement of edifice performance; and the pre-requisite to agreement the concepts of Building Maintenance and Asset Enhancement in the later yr of studies.

  • Fiscal Bookkeeping & Management

    (3 Credit Units)

    This module covers basic concepts of accounting, including the accounting equation, the double-entry system of book-keeping and the grooming of fiscal statements. Information technology provides students with the technical knowledge to prepare simple accounts and cash budget, and interpret financial reports for sole proprietor, partnership, and non- profit organization. This module provides students with the knowledge to sympathise bones accounting theories, concepts and conventions. The overall objective and outcome seek to equip students with the skills to interpret, analyse and use financial accounting information for financial management decision making purposes. This module volition besides embrace budgeting. The ultimate domain knowledge volition also seek to play a critical role in maintaining integrity, professionalism and ethics at the workplace.

  • Economics

    (iv Credit Units)

    This module involves the written report of the interactions between individuals, groups, organisations and institutions with regard to the use of resources to satisfy individual wants and societal needs to regulate economic activity within the socio-economic environment.

    In micro-economics, the topics examine how consumers, households and firms brand economic decisions; how they interact to determine the quantity and price of goods, factors of product and the allocation of resources.

    In macro-economics, the topics examine the determination of real income, employment, price level and aggrandizement in an open economic system, and the conduct of macro-economic policy.

    The module volition provide students with adequate entry level knowledge of economic theory for the critical assay, logical reasoning and problem solving skills towards social policy conception and private conclusion-making.

  • Communication Essentials^

    (3 Credit Units)
  • Health & Health^

    (1 Credit Unit of measurement)

^ Interdisciplinary Studies (IS) modules account for 13 credit units of the diploma curriculum. They include modules in communication, innovation and world issues, as well as an interdisciplinary project. By bringing students from various diplomas together, the interdisciplinary project fosters collaboration to explore and suggest solutions for real-earth problems. IS aims to develop students to exist agile and self-directed learners, ready for the future workplace.

For more details on Interdisciplinary Studies (IS) electives
Click Here >

Year 2

  • Project Management and Contact Administration

    (4 Credit Units)

    This module introduces students to the functions and methods of project management and contract assistants in the context of facilities maintenance such as add-on and alteration works. It covers the fundamentals of project management, procurement, management of site operations, too as direction tools for projection planning, budgeting and cash flow planning and project risk assessments.

  • Client Relationship Management

    (4 Credit Units)

    This module introduces the fundamental concepts of Customer Relationship Management (CRM). Topics covered included definition of customer service, understanding the needs and expectations of customer, challenges in customer service and CRM implementation. It will equip students with the knowledge and skills in finer engaging customers and stakeholders. Information technology aims to railroad train students with the right service attributes to add value to organisations and provides ways of resolving disputes other than by means of litigation.

  • Building Services & Maintenance (Mechanical)

    (four Credit Units)

    This module provides fundamental knowledge on the principles of functioning of mechanical systems typically installed in modernistic high-rise buildings. Systems covered include beverage h2o supply, sanitary plumbing and drainage, town gas supply, swimming puddle water filtration, air-conditioning and mechanical ventilation. Emphasis will be placed on real-life applications in the operations and maintenance of these facilities in buildings and the reading of mechanical drawings and plans. Students will as well gain an overview of the BCA Green Marker scheme requirements for new and existing buildings pertaining to the systems studied.

  • Belongings Direction

    (5 Credit Units)

    This module provides a perspective of the chief functions in holding management, including legislation and interpersonal concerns involving everyday issues relating to building management activities. It besides details specific practices and problems in the management of different types of properties – strata-titled and nonstrata titled properties. The module aims to equip students with adequate supervisory management noesis and problem-solving skills to face the many challenges of the holding management profession in both the public and private sectors of the existent manor industry.

  • Real Manor Marketing

    (3 Credit Units)

    This module provides students with the fundamentals of real estate marketing concepts in sales and leasing of various holding types in both individual and public sectors. For public sector, it focuses on the processes, policies and regulations involved in the sale, resale, leasing and subletting of public housing.

    Students are exposed to marketing and negotiation techniques. They will learn to identify problems and apply problem-solving skills to face up the challenges of the real estate marketing profession. Electric current happenings and relevant example studies will be highlighted.

  • Career & Professional person Preparation ii

    (2 Credit Units)

    This second-yr module helps to equip students with skills necessary to seek and secure piece of work. They will too exist equipped to communicate their personal brand in a positive manner. Every bit students sharpen their communication skills, they will also learn how to marketplace themselves finer.

  • Urban Planning & Sustainability

    (iv Credit Units)

    The topics covered in this module include a report of the concept of land every bit an economic resource, the real manor marketplace and planning system in Singapore. This module will provide students with an adequate cognition of urban planning and urban economics, as well as analytical skills to confront the many challenges of the existent estate profession in both the public and individual sectors of the industry. Students will learn how the planning of a urban center has to exist sustainable in terms of growth of infinite, connectivity and eco-friendliness.

  • Holding Valuation

    (5 Credit Units)

    This module covers the basic concepts and principles of property valuation, the fourth dimension value of money and the application of the six functions of a dollar. These basics provide students with the foundation to appreciate and utilise the various methods of valuation used in determining the market value of a holding for general purposes and of property tax cess and development charge calculation. Students will exist given a proficient working noesis of the valuation of real estate interests for the purposes of auction and purchase, investment, mortgage, development charge and holding revenue enhancement.

  • Edifice Services & Maintenance (Electrical)

    (three Credit Units)

    This module covers the unlike electrical facilities found in high-rising buildings. Topics covered include the electrical supply system, lifts and escalators. Emphasis will exist placed on real-life applications in the performance and maintenance of these facilities in buildings and the reading of electrical drawings and plans.

  • Real Manor Law

    (5 Credit Units)

    Students volition study the fundamental principles that underpin land buying in Singapore and provide them with an understanding of the police that governs the creation, protection and transfer of interests in land.

  • Globe Problems: A Singapore Perspective^

    (2 Credit Units)

^ Interdisciplinary Studies (IS) modules account for thirteen credit units of the diploma curriculum. They include modules in advice, innovation and world bug, as well as an interdisciplinary project. Past bringing students from diverse diplomas together, the interdisciplinary project fosters collaboration to explore and propose solutions for real-earth bug. IS aims to develop students to exist agile and self-directed learners, ready for the future workplace.

For more details on Interdisciplinary Studies (IS) electives
Click Hither >

Year 3

  • Existent Manor Investment & Finance

    (5 Credit Units)

    This module covers the basics of finance and investment pertaining to real estate. Students will sympathize the real estate investment controlling process and the primal concepts of risks and returns. It introduces the corporate financing and investment options relevant to real manor. It focuses on how to conduct market analysis and fiscal analysis for a feasibility study.

    An understanding of the financial system and institutions and sources of financing for residential properties such as CPF funds and unlike mortgage housing loans from HDB and financial institutions, also as the related regulatory measures and policies on lending, and credit assessment will also be provided.

  • Burn Safety Direction

    (5 Credit Units)

    This module covers the Fire Rubber Managers' scope of work and prepares students to be fire rubber managers. Topics covered include a study of the requirements contained in the Burn down Condom Act, burn command middle operations, evacuation procedures, fire safety planning and fire incident management. It also covers the active and passive burn protection systems in buildings such as fire extinguishers, wet and dry rising mains, burn sprinkler systems, fire detection and alert systems, smoke command systems and the protection of means of escape. Case studies volition be used to illustrate the importance of fire protection systems.

  • Building Diagnostics & Asset Enhancement

    (5 Credit Units)

    The management of building stocks to meet the needs of occupants and to overcome the effects of physical deterioration and/or economical obsolescence entails the need to address the maintenance & dialogistic of defects that surfaced over time. The want for upgrading is an asset enhancement strategy to meet the growing changing needs of users and competition from other buildings to ensure economic viability.

    This module covers four parts of the subject matters: Firstly, in defining the context of edifice maintenance & diagnostic and establishing the need for refurbishment as a form of nugget enhancement strategy. Secondly, the written report of the various types of defects, their causes, effects, remedies and prevention ordinarily associated with the structural frame, walls, roof, floors, doors and windows, including the materials used. Thirdly, the written report of the various technologies used in refurbishment when structural alterations, energy saving improvements, façade upgrading and aesthetic enhancements are proposed in a refurbishment projection. Fourthly, to dovetail into the greater context of existent estate asset management commonly practiced by existent estate investment trust companies in their arroyo towards their real estate portfolio.

  • Project ID: Connecting the Dots^

    (4 Credit Units)

^ Interdisciplinary Studies (IS) modules account for 13 credit units of the diploma curriculum. They include modules in communication, innovation and world issues, every bit well as an interdisciplinary project. Past bringing students from diverse diplomas together, the interdisciplinary project fosters collaboration to explore and advise solutions for real-world bug. IS aims to develop students to be agile and self-directed learners, ready for the future workplace.

For more details on Interdisciplinary Studies (IS) electives
Click Here >

  • Pick i

  • 3-Calendar month Internship (Local/Overseas)

    (10 Credit Units)

    This ten-calendar week internship is a major module in the REB curriculum. It is organised to offer work experience for the students to develop career-related skills and explore possible career options. This module provides an opportunity for the students to put theory into do, adapt to working life and affirm their strengths. Students will also exist able to develop hard and soft skills such every bit working independently and every bit a team, trouble-solving, interpersonal and advice skills. Information technology may be taken locally or overseas, depending on the availability of internship openings.

  • Last Yr Projection

    (10 Credit Units)

    This module provides students with the opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills learnt during the first two years and is part of their x-week internship to complete a major project. During the x weeks, students volition undertake a major individual project and complete it based on its requirements, prototyping and development with the necessary drawings and written report. Through the module, students volition also enhance their abilities in problem-solving, advice and interpersonal skills.

  • Selection 2

  • 6-Month Internship

    (20 Credit Units)

    In this module, students volition be attached to organisations for a period of six months. This is to prepare them for future employment in their particular discipline of study. During their internship, they volition undertake projects and tasks assigned by the organisations. This allows them the opportunity to take initiative too every bit to develop their self-confidence, interpersonal and accommodation skills.

Career Options & Further Studies

Upon graduation, you can find jobs in all sectors of the real manor industry. You will also be able to work with finance and investment companies that deal in property assets. These include roles like leasing executive, property executive, real estate investment executive and client service officer specialist.

​As an REB graduate, y'all may be given additional credit exemptions or avant-garde standing when yous apply to study in related degree courses in local and overseas universities in Australia and the United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland.​

REB is acclaimed for Autodesk Certification​


Hear From Our ​Students and Alumni

​ ​ ​

Entry Requirements



Candidates must have the following GCE 'O' Level examination (or equivalent) results.

  • Mathematics (Uncomplicated/Additional)

    one - six

  • Science

    (with Physics, Chemistry or Biology component)
    or Art/Art & Pattern
    or Biotechnology
    or Computing/Computer Studies
    or Pattern & Technology
    or Design Studies
    or Electronics/Fundamentals of Electronics
    or Engineering Science/Physical Science
    or Higher Art

    1 - 6

You must besides take sat for one subject listed in the 2nd grouping of relevant subjects for the ELR2B2-C Amass Type.

ELR2B2-C Aggregate Type List >

Candidates who have completed the College NITEC in Facility Management and issued with the Fire Safety Director Certificate volition exist exempted from the Fire Safety Management module in this diploma.


Observe out more on entry requirements and admissions exercise periods for qualifications such every bit North(A)-Level, A-Level, ITE, IP, IB and more.

Click Here >

Awarding Information

  • Range of Net ELR2B2 for 2022 JAE

    eight to 14​


Dorsum to Superlative ​

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